1) How's your energy?
Notice how you're using your energy and invest it into what matters most. People notice your energy. That's why they'll ask you what's wrong. And why they'll also say you're full of energy today. It's noticeable and contagious. Thoughts have energy. Where could you invest that energy that makes a difference? 2) Do you worry? Take a break from routine. Fast one day from worrying about your future. Worrying uses your energy. Instead, stop worrying, and take a little action in the direction of your interests. For example, sign up for an online class that you've wanted to learn about, even if it's out of character for you. Meditation, toning, yoga, Qi Gong, finance, cooking, nutrition, a foreign language. Why? Because it may be just the thing to shake your energy loose. 3) Are you holding on to the past? Let go of any past grievances, and be here now, especially with your family. Letting go frees up your energy to be present in this moment. It takes energy to focus on the past. Be present and connect with people as they are today. You may be surprised to find out you've both evolved. 4) Who do you love? Love everyone. Even those people that aggravate you! More and more, if I just listen with compassion, instead of judging and criticizing in my mind or conversation, something undefined and magical is present. Then healing happens. 5) How do you eat? Eat slowly. Savor each bite. Revel in the flavors of a tomato, the crunch of a carrot, or the aroma of cinnamon. Take the time to enjoy your meals. Take a moment to be thankful as you take your first bite. Does your food give you energy or deplete your energy? Be mindful of each bite you take into your body, and you'll feel fulfilled instead of full. 6) How much do you laugh? Laugh out loud. I love the LOL that people email or text. I love the message and reminder. Laughing is healing, and it's worth spreading around. It lifts your spirit while allowing free-flowing energy to boost your thoughts and words. 7)How do you hug with no touch? Speak kind words. Listen longer. Smile more. The energy of an authentic smile can transform a moment. 8) Exercise, move, dance, breathe, walk, and dance. OK, dance is on the list twice. Listening to music and dancing is excellent energy medicine. It removes the cranky in you and replaces it with fun. Put on some music and dance. You're beautiful. 9) What drags you down? Think of one thing that drags you down. Replace it with an affirmation that declares the state of health, wealth, and happiness you want. Delete and replace anything that drags you down. Use your imagination to access your creativity to come up with what would serve you and others. This energy medicine is easy to use. Take some every day to unleash your vitality. May your day be peaceful and productive. |
Paulette Sun Davis