The phrase, 'use it or lose it,' is a reminder that every bit of effort counts, whether aiming to sharpen your mind or strengthen your body. Consistency is important. When you actively engage, you not only maintain your abilities but also enhance them and radiate confidence each time you overcome the inertia of lethargy. Imagine doing a meaningful activity once a week for 20 minutes. One year later, you will have done it 52 times. Document where you start so you can measure your success. This record will be your baseline, your proof of where you began. Don't let the year go by without 'using it' in some significant way. By 'using it,' you're not just passing the time; you're actively and purposefully shaping the future you want. Comments are closed.
Daily Transformational Coaching
Start from the beginning, or pick a day randomly for inspiration and transformation.
June 2024